Tuesday, January 26, 2010

it's going to be a long day

Big sigh...I hate starting the day with dread...we are off to the dr's office for two appointments that will likely end with me feeling sad and unsettled. The only good thing I'm guessing is we should get a better feel for when the trip to Columbus will happen, I'm guessing next week. Which then brings up a whole bunch of other emotions....so I'm taking my own advice and living for today...not going to worry about the next couple of hours and just play with the boys and be happy until it's time to go ...can't wait to put Kyle on the scale, hmmm I wonder what will happen if I have a total meltdown when I see the number on the scale..think they've ever seen that before?



Just Me said...

Sending big hugs your way. Scales suck.


Lauren said...

I'm in line after Shonda with more hugs your way.


Shari said...

((HUGS)) Scales stink! I agree.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know i am thinking of you and yours. Sending lots of hugs your way!!!
