Thursday, December 17, 2009

Horrible day

Kyle's had one of the worst days since his surgery a little over two weeks ago. Two nights ago we started a very slow infusion of pedialyte. Yesterday we had small amount of leakage around his g tube site, because it was only a little I continued with the pedialyte last night, even though we had an increase in bile we kept going. Today has been a complete nightmare, Kyle's had major leakage around his g tube, mostly bile which is now burning his skin...I've been changing his g tube dressing hourly but it's not helping...the poor kid has been screaming in pain all day.
Clearly we will not continue with the pedialyte night....this is a major setback...again. Watching him scream all day has been beyond painful and exhausting.

It's time for this sweet kid to catch a break.


Heather said...

Praying for that break.For all of you.Mos especially sweet Kyle.

Missy said...


I am so sorry. I know this has been incredibly stressful and heart breaking. You are never far from my thoughts and I so wish I could help you.

Big hugs,

Lauren said...


I hoped with all my hope that no news had meant good news. My heart aches for you, Kyle and your whole family.

I am keeping you all in my heart,

Sharlene said...

Sending good thoughts and Lots of hugs your way!! Keeping all of you close to my heart as you figure this out!!


Robin said...

I am thinking of you and Kyle and your entire family! I am so sorry that Kyle is having to go through this. Praying for a break.


Heather said...

Katie, I am speechless; just speechless. All I can say is that I love you and the brood every day.